Thursday, February 6, 2014

Miss Elizabeth Tribute

The first Lady of wrestling

When I first Started watching wrestling in 1987, everybody was in awe over the Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant feud and although it was a great feud of the 80s... I was more of a fan of Macho Man and whoever he feuded with during the same era... Macho man was my hero growing up... he was the gorgeous George of my generation and right along with the flashy robes, the fancy sun glasses, and the high flying moves, he also had lady luck everywhere he went.. And she was the first lady of Wrestling the Lovely Miss Elizabeth... at the time when i first discovered Macho Man and Elizabeth in the WWF, not much was known about Liz except that she was Macho Man manager and she was beautiful... as time went by, my favorite run was the Hulk Hogan, Macho man, & Elizabeth love triangle and later adding Sensational Sherri to the mix..
Elizabeth rarely involves herself in matches but when she did esp. surprising Sensational Sherri... not only did the fans go wild, but I love every second of it... it was speacial when she surprised the fans...she was the only woman that could walk down the ramp just with a smile and recieve an standing ovation.. Once the storyline ended and Sherri turned on Randy Savage at WrestleMania 7 and Liz returned to save Randy and reunited with him, I still to this day get excited and jump up and down as if it was the first time I had seen it. Not a dry eye in the arena and still a beautiful ending to the story of Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth.
Once Elizabeth left the WWF and Randy went solo... it was different, Randy wasn’t the top dog in the WWF, as a matter of fact he was an announcer at ringside, the WWF was changing the roster by losing Hulk Hogan, Sensational Sherri, Mean Gene, Bobby the Brain, ric flair, & etc. and WWF was introducing unusual characters such as Doink the clown, tatanka, Luna Vachon, Razer Ramon, Diesel, & Jim Cornette
Times were different and I was quickly losing interest but still maintain my passion of wrestling... In 1993 was when I first discovered WCW, the rival of WWF and I wasn’t a fan of WCW and once in a blue moon I’ll tune in and watch but it wasn’t until 1996 when It was announced Liz would be in WCW with Hulk Hogan & Macho Man is when I quickly became a fan of WCW... Once Liz Returned to WCW even though the WWF was my number one promotion to watch it was great to get a 2nd chance at seeing Liz do what she does best in wrestling and that’s bring class to the business… My issue is that the fans would say Liz Just stood there looking pretty and made her men look good standing next to them.. If the Liz & Sherri Feud wasn’t enough to show Liz was much more than a pretty face.. Her time in wcw defiantly shows she was more dangerous and fearless when she involved herself in matches.. I have always Love Elizabeth for so many reasons.. Because of her we got to witness 7 great wrestlemania history/moments, a beautiful wedding, great memories of the late sensational Sherri, the 2nd chance at seeing her beautiful smile in wcw, her dangerous streak, great 4 horsemen & NWO memories and of course holding a baseball bat never looked so good.. Because of Elizabeth and all she did in her 20 plus years in wrestling, she paved the way for women to follow after her such as Sunny, Sable, Lita, trish Stratus, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Kiebler and many others.. They have made history in wrestling due to the fact each of them carries a Elizabeth trait in all they have done in wrestling…

Miss & Love you Elizabeth!

The Wrestling World remembers Miss Elizabeth

John Mikels: Were you ever a fan of Pro wrestling growing up, if yes, who were some of your favorites?

Melissa Coates: Yes definitely was a fan...I watched women's matches on TV when I was growing up, honestly didn't study hard enough to know their names but I am sure Madusa Micelli and Wendi Richter were 2 of the girls I admired. Then I really got into the Hulk Hogan/Miss Elizabeth/Randy Savage love triangle during the early/mid 90s,...being a girl, you know, gotta love that love story and the knight on the white horse! Absolutely loved it, and of course Hulk's image was amazing, tan, muscular, blonde hair. And admirable and ethical as well. His image also fed into my love for bodybuilding. I am a professional bodybuilder. I did pro bodybuilding first and was ranked 9th in the world at one time, did the Olympia twice (which is the Wrestlemania of Women's pro bodybuilding). I’ve also been very successful as a fitness model - been featured in all the fitness mags, in calendars, swimsuit videos, centerfolds, posters, and covers and training articles of Muscle&Fitness, Flex Magazine, Ironman, Muscular Development, MuscleMag (which also launched the career of Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson) among others. Books as well, sociology oddly enough lol and fitness books.

---Melissa Coates has been a Indy Wrestler since 2002

John Mikels: Were you a fan of pro wrestling growing up and if so who were some of your favorites?

Brittany Force: I was, I loved Brutus the barber beefcake, miss Elizabeth, roddy piper and Ricky the dragon steamboat.

---Brittany Force has been an Indy Wrestler since 2006

John Mikels: Miss Elizabeth

Nora Greenwald: Beautiful

---- Nora Greenwald worked with Miss Elizabeth in WCW between 1999-2000 and also a former Manager of her ex husband Macho Man Randy Savage

John Mikels: Miss Elizabeth
George Frankenstein: She was Okay with me, very pretty lady

John Mikels: There Has been reports of how Randy Savage was very over protective of you the same way he was when he was with Miss Elizabeth when they were together and even rumors that Hulk Hogan had a part in the situation, could you clear up the rumors?

George Frankenstein: Hogan had no part in me and randy breaking up.. That was false.. we didn't even hang out with him during this time... but yes it is true he was over protective of me and treated me just like he did with Elizabeth..

John Mikels: I remember reading the WCW Magazine and there was mentioned of a possible feud between you and Randy against Luger and Elizabeth was there any talks of a story line?

George Frankenstein: No Talks, there was no fighting or anything between us... Luger and Randy were actually friends during the time we were all in WCW...

---- George Frankenstein worked with Miss Elizabeth in WCW in 1999 and also was the former girlfriend and manager of her ex husband Macho Man Randy Savage

John Mikels: I thought This was an Interesting question to ask since you worked with both Miss Elizabeth in WCW and Missy Hyatt in XPW and was wondering who in your opinion is the first lady of wrestling between the two?

Chastity: lol...okay...You are asking me to choose between two friends of mine. I would have to say both served terms...Miss Elizabeth....Republican and Missy...Democrat. LOL

----Chastity worked with Miss Elizabeth in WCW in 1999

John Mikels: You’re in a current story line with Jay Lethal which the story line is similar to Macho Man & Miss Elizabeth back in the early 90s.. Has there been any heat from the fans or workers for reacting a story line that once was popular in the WWE?

SO CAL VAL: Not at all. I think everyone understands that Jay and I are huge fans of Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth and what we're doing should be seen more as a tribute than a spoof. Though our segments are often humorous, we respect and admire both people and have always considered them to be inspirations in our careers.

---So Cal Val is a TNA Knockout between 2005 to 2013  and has worked for her ex husband Macho Man Randy Savage's official website

John Mikels: Miss Elizabeth?

Alexandra Burton: Beautiful, quiet, embracing

----Alexandra has been an Indy Valet, Wrestler, & Booker between 2000 to 2010

John Mikels: I read an Interview with Jade awhile back that your Daughter Jade was inspired by Miss Elizabeth to one day be a Valet in pro wrestling ... what was your thoughts on her death a few years back that ended in tragedy?

Julie Hart: Jade, and my son Dallas, along with his friend Mike Byers, had a tag team which they called themselves, 'Thunder and Lightning.' Jade would put on her shiny party dress and pretend she was Miss Elizabeth. It was funny how she had Miss Elizabeth's mannerism down to a "T". They boys would have a match, while Jade would go back and forth cheering for her brother, and then race over to Mike. Jade was very fond of Liz and whenever Bret took her on the road with him Liz would baby sit her. Liz was a gentle and sweet spirit and we miss her very much.

---Julie Hart is a former Wife of Bret "The Hitman" Hart who at one point worked with Miss Elizabeth in the WWF & WCW

John Mikels: How did you get into wrestling?

Velvet Sky: I've always liked wrestling as far back as I can remember. My dad is the one who got me into wrestling...he would always try and make me watch it with him. It took a while, but I got into it and ever since then I've been hooked. I used to love watching "Macho Man" with Miss Elizabeth (RIP). He was my favorite. To this day I love wrestling. I started training in November of 2001. I used to drive up to Chicopee, MA. (which is about an hour from my house) three to four times a week to train with some friends at Kevin Landry's ring. Then, one day, we went to train at former-ECW star Jason Knight's "House of Pain Pro Wrestling Dojo" where Jason saw me working in the ring. He liked me, so he asked me to come train with him and his students on a regular basis. Jason has helped me out tremendously! He's a great trainer.

---Velvet Sky has been a TNA Knock-out since 2007

Miss Elizabeth was a beautiful woman, inside and out. She will always be remembered fondly by me and every member of my family.
She was too good of a person to die in such a way.

--Lanny Poffo is the former Brother in Law of Miss Elizabeth from 1984 -1992 and also worked with her in the WWF from 1985-1992

Miss Elizabeth was a legend. I think she deserves to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. She was such a genuinely kind person and is terribly missed...

---Daffney has worked with Miss Elizabeth in WCW between 1999-2000 and wrestled her in Lizz's First Official match

Liz was a nice lady and we used to go shopping in the late 80's in New York before going to a show. Randy must be crushed they were always close. she will be missed by many she was close too. I know she's looking down with a smile from heaven.
(O: love you liz,

---Leilani Kai worked with Miss Elizabeth in the WWF between 1985-1988 and in WCW IN 19991983
--Debuts in ICW (International Championship Wrestling) Owned by Angelo Poffo (Macho Man's Father) as a backstage Interviewer

Elizabeth Timeline


--Debuts in ICW (International Championship Wrestling) Owned by Angelo Poffo (Macho Man's Father) as a backstage Interviewer


--December 30, Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth Married


--July 30, Marked her Official WWF Debut as the Manager of Macho Man Randy Savage

--August 24, The Debut didn't air Until Prime-time wrestling making this her first TV Debut

--September 28, WWF House Show.....Hulk Hogan vs Macho Man w/Miss Elizabeth wrestles for the first time beginning the greatest rivalry of the 1980's and well into the WCW in the 1990's

--November 7, is the WWF First ever Pay Per View Wrestling Classics & it revolved around a 16-man single-elimination which Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth in his corner beat Ivan Puski, Ricky Steamboat, & Dynamite Kid but lost in the final round to the Junk Yard Dog


--January 4-On Saturday Night's Main Event was the first time that George "The Animal" Steele first laid eyes on Elizabeth and fell in love. It was between a match between him and Randy Savage and George Steele had Captain Lou Albano in his corner. George was distracted by Elizabeth many times during the match and ended up losing and Randy carried Elizabeth over his shoulder to the back after the match was over.

--February 24, Marks Macho Man Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth first WWF Intercotinal Title win over Tito Santana

--April 7, The Match between Macho Man Randy Savage vs. George The Animal Steele took Place at Wrestlemania 2, which marked the first Wrestlemaina for the three and if George the Animal Steele won the match, he would have gotten the honor of having Miss Elizabeth as his manager but due to Randy Savage cheating ways.. he was unsuccessful

--September 25, A Rare match between rule-breakers on Saturday Night's main event sees Randy Savage W/Miss Elizabeth take on Jake the Snake Roberts for the IC Title which ended in a double DQ.
--Miss Elizabeth was 2nd runner up for PWI's manager of the year


--January 3, George the Animal challenges Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) for the IC Title but was unsuccessful

--March 29, Miss Elizabeth Managed Macho Man Randy Savage at Wrestlemania 3 in front of 93,000 plus fans losing his IC Title to Ricky The dragon Steamboat w/ George Steele in his corner

--October, Saturday Night's Main Event, Macho Man w/Miss Elizabeth faces off against The Honky Tonk Man w/Jimmy Hart which ended miserably for Macho Man as the Heart Foundation came down to help him in his fight against Macho Man. The Heart Foundation held Macho Man as Honky Tonk was ready to strike him with his guitar only to almost hit Miss Elizabeth as she ran in harm’s way to protect her man.. As Miss Elizabeth begged for him to let him go, he shoved her out of the way and scared her to the back. At that point the fans were disgusted with the acts of Honky Tonk Man and the Heart Foundation. After the 2nd attempt and successful of striking Macho Man in the head with the guitar Miss Elizabeth return to ringside but this time she brought someone with her and it was none other than Hulk Hogan.. After Hulk Hogan cleaned house this marked the first time the Mega Powers became a team. And that moment became a historical night in WWE History

--November 26, the First Annual Survivor Series..... Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth), Jake Roberts, Ricky Steamboat, Brutus Beefcake, and Jim Duggan defeated The Honky Tonk Man (with Jimmy Hart), Hercules, Danny Davis, Ron Bass, & Harley Race (with Bobby Heenan).

--December 16, Miss Elizabeth won WWF Woman of the year beating out Fabulous Moolah and Sensational Sherri for the Slammy Award

--December 26, Macho Man Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth faces off against Honky Tonk Man w/Peggy Sue (Sensational Sherri under a wig) making this the actual first time Miss Elizabeth and Sensational Sherri crossing paths


--February 5, A rematch between Macho Man Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs The Honky Tonk Man w/Jimmy Hart and Peggy Sue for the IC Title was Booked and almost ended the same as the match in October of 1987 when Honky Tonk Man brought in his Guitar to the mix to once again ready to strike Macho Man that Miss Elizabeth jumped in harms way once again and with very little thought Honky Tonk Man was ready to strike her as Macho Man stopped him before any real damage was done and took care of him. After the Match, Macho Man hoisted Miss Elizabeth on his Shoulder for the first time making this the first couple of wrestling trademark.

--March 27, Wrestlemania 4, Miss Elizabeth managed Macho Man in a tournament to win the WWE Heavyweight title against Butch Reed, Greg Valentine, One Man Gang, & The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase

--July 1988-Randy Savage and Elizabeth are being interviewed on Superstars of Wrestling by Craig DeGeorge when Andre The Giant and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan come out and interrupt the interview. Then from behind The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase attacks Randy and he, Andre, and Bobby Heenan triple team Savage. Elizabeth is forced to watch the attack being held by Virgil so she can't run for help. This leads Randy to challenge Andre and Dibiase to a match at Summer Slam 88 with a partner of his choice.

--A few weeks later on WWF Superstars of Wrestling Randy and Elizabeth come out for an interview with Craig DeGeorge to announce his tag team partner for Summer Slam 88 and it is none other than Hulk Hogan. This is the official forming of The Mega Powers as a team and Hogan announces that Elizabeth is the manager of both him and Savage.

--August 29, Miss Elizabeth Managed the Mega Powers in the Main event at Summer Slam against The Million Dollar Man & Andre The giant w/Virgle & Bobby The Brain with Jesse The body Ventura as Guest Referee. Which saw Miss Elizabeth remove her skirt and the whole Madison Square Garden went wild

--October 1988, on Saturday Night's Main Event was the first time Elizabeth came out alone to manage Hulk Hogan against King Haku with Bobby Heenan. Hulk got the win and put Elizabeth on his shoulder alone for the first time.

--November 24, at The 2nd Annual Survivor Series Elizabeth managed The Mega Powers team against The Twin Towers team managed by Slick. During the match Hogan ends up handcuffed to the ropes outside after an attack by Big Boss Man and Akeem Slick has the key and taunts Hogan with it and then ends up kicking Slick down and Elizabeth goes over to Slick and gets the key out of his pocket and un handcuffs Hogan. Savage got pretty beat up in the match and was able to tag to Hogan who got the win for him and Savage being the only survivors. After the match Elizabeth goes to Hogan to tell him that Savage needs help after checking on him and he picks up Elizabeth and hugs her. Randy sees this and isn't very happy and this is the first sign of strain in The Mega Powers relationship.

--December 1988-President Jack Tunney is a guest on The Brother Love Show and is interrupted by Bad News Brown who demands to know why he hasn't received a title shot from Macho Man Randy Savage. He goes on to accuse Tunney of protecting Savage and even insults his manager The First Lady of Wrestling Elizabeth. He accuses Elizabeth of doing favors for Jack Tunney which he denies. Bad News grabs Tunney by his tie and looks like he will attack him, but doesn't.

--The next week Randy Savage and Elizabeth appear on The Brother Love Show denying Bad News Brown's accusations. Brother Love then turns his attention to Elizabeth asking what favors has she done for President Jack Tunney. This angered Randy Savage and he grabbed Brother Love and told him he was out of line and ran him off the set of his show.

--Miss Elizabeth was first runner up for PWI Manager of the year


--January 7, WWF’s Main Event Hulk Hogan was viciously attack by the Twin Towers during his match with Akeem only to be saved by Randy Savage.. Miss Elizabeth helped Hogan to the back and refused to talk to Randy Savage which angered him…

--January 15, The Mega-Powers almost came to blows at The Royal Rumble when Hulk Hogan accidentally eliminated Randy Savage and Elizabeth came from the dressing room to calm them down before they came to blows. She appeared later on with Randy in the back for an interview with Mean Gene Okerlund.

--February 3, during the Tag Team Match between The Twin Towers w/Slick vs The Mega Powers w/Miss Elizabeth.. Macho Man was thrown over the top rope and knocked Miss Elizabeth onto the floor and Hulk Hogan took her back for medical attention and sparked a feud with Macho Man for leaving him in the match by himself which is the first time the Mega Powers Split.

--March 1989 On Saturday Night's Main Event Elizabeth comes out with Hulk Hogan to face Bad News Brown a month after The Mega-Powers exploded. Later on in the night she must choose which corner to be in at Wrestlemania 5 and she announces she will not be in Randy Savage's or Hulk Hogan's corner so it will be a neutral corner. Savage is very angry and takes it out on her until Hogan comes to make the save and she gets between the two of them before they come to blows.

--April 5, Wrestlemania 5 was the night the Mega Powers EXPLODE between Hulk Hogan against Macho Man with Miss Elizabeth in a neutral corner. She caused so much distraction, Earl Hebner sent Miss Elizabeth to the back so the match can continue which Hulk Hogan won.

--August 28, Summer Slam 89 was the main event tag team between Zeus & Macho Man with his new manager Sensational Sherri against Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake with Miss Elizabeth which was won by Miss Elizabeth team and also showed her physical side Taking down Sherri

--Spring/Summer 1989-Miss Elizabeth becomes co-host of WWF Wrestling Spotlight, a syndicated WWF Wrestling Show that shows some matches and highlights from WWF Superstars and WWF Wrestling Challenge. Her original co-host was Vince McMahon and then later Sean Mooney. Sensational Sherri later replaced Elizabeth as co-host with Sean Mooney in the fall.

--November 1989, was a special Brother Love Show at Madison Square Garden with Sensational Queen Sherri and Miss Elizabeth. Brother Love and Sherri insulted Elizabeth and Elizabeth responded "I'm not afraid of you!!"
Sherri then ended up slapping Elizabeth, but Elizabeth couldn't do anything to defend herself since Brother Love protected Sherri and then Hacksaw Jim Duggan came out and chased Sherri away and beat up Brother Love.

--That same night toward the end of the match between Macho King and Hacksaw Jim Duggan Elizabeth came out and stopped Sherri from interfering in the match payback from Sherri slapping her earlier in the night


--April 1, Wrestlemania 6 was the first EVER for the WWF, an Intergender Tag Team Match between Macho King Randy Savage and sensational Queen Sherri against Dusty Rhoads & the Late Sapphire with their crown Jewel as there Manager the returning Miss Elizabeth and due to Miss Elizabeth interference the American dream team won…earlier in the evening Miss Elizabeth was interviewed by celebrity journalist Rona Barnette

--June 26, 1990... The rematch from Wrestlemania 6 took place but only this time Macho Man and Sherri even the score bringing in Brother Love as there manager and still loss to Rhoads and sapphire thanks to Miss Elizabeth


--March 24, Wrestlemania 7, was the return of the first Lady of wrestling Miss Elizabeth as she bought a ticket to see the retirement match between Macho man w/Sensational Sherri vs The Ultimate Warrior... after the very intense match, Macho Man lost the match and Sensational Sherri turned her back on him and beat him down up until Miss Elizabeth ran down to make the save and threw her out of the ring. She than reunited with Macho Man which marked one of the most emotional moments in wrestling history

--July, In an Interview conducted by Mean Gene Okerlund..Macho Man Randy Savage came down on one knee to prose marriage to the first Lady of wrestling making this another historical night in WWE History when Miss Elizabeth responded with a quote that made Macho Man famous was OHHH YEAH!!!!

--August 26, Summer Slam A Match made in Heaven was the main event in Madison Square garden when Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth Married.. a great start but the aftermath was a disaster as Jake The Snake Roberts, Paul Bearer & The Undertaker crashed the wedding with there snake as there gift.

--November 1991-On Superstars of Wrestling Elizabeth appeared in a backstage interview conducted by hosts Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, and Roddy Piper pleading with WWF President Jack Tunney to reinstate Randy to wrestle again in the WWF due to his personal feud with Jake "The Snake Roberts. Later in the show Jake came out for his match and got the victory and after the match he got the microphone and started taunting Randy Savage especially about hiding behind a skirt of a woman instead of fighting. That got Savage to come down from the announce booth to the ring and a brawl got started between the 2 men, but that turned violent when Jake tied Randy up in the ropes and unleashed his King Cobra and it started chewing on Randy's arm. Roddy Piper left the announce booth to try and come down to help and then Elizabeth came down to ringside and watched in horror as Randy was being attacked by the snake. She was really scared and showing emotion and Randy was taken to the back on a stretcher. This event led to Randy being reinstated by President Jack Tunney a few days later.

--A few days later at Survivor Series 1991 at the beginning of the PPV President Jack Tunney made a taped announcement that Randy Savage was reinstated to wrestle once again in the WWF and that he would face Jake Roberts one on one at Tuesday in Texas. Randy Savage came out for a live interview with Mean Gene Okerlund talking about being reinstated and about what he went through with the cobra bite. He then brought Elizabeth out to thank the fans for voting and supporting Randy to get reinstated and predicted that Randy would be victorious at Tuesday in Texas.

--December 3rd, Macho Man Randy Savage comes out of retirement to face Jake The snake Roberts and wants to do much more to him than gaining a victory over him for destroying his wedding with Miss Elizabeth.. Macho did just that and beat him, however lost the war as Jake the snake brutally beating him in the ring while Miss Elizabeth tried to stop him only to get slapped in the face.


--February 1992- Randy Savage defeated Jake "The Snake" Roberts in the final confrontation in their feud. Randy was still fighting for the honor of his wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth came out from the dressing room after the match was over and celebrated the win over Jake with Randy.

--The next weekend on WWF TV it showed what happened after the show went off the air that Jake Roberts tried to whack Elizabeth with a steel chair as she and Randy came through the curtain going back to the dressing room. Randy pushed Elizabeth out of harm’s way, but The Undertaker grabbed the chair out of Jake's hands before he could hit Elizabeth and Randy grabbed the chair and whacked Jake with it until he was in pain lying on the floor.

--February, Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect appeared in a taped interview with Mean Gene Okerlund on Superstars of Wrestling showing pictures of him and Elizabeth together claiming that Elizabeth had a relationship with him before she met Randy. He showed several pictures of them together that later appeared in the WWE Magazine and later it turned out the pictures were fake that the real pictures were really of Elizabeth and Randy. Ric Flair replaced his image over Randy's. The real pictures of Elizabeth and Randy appeared in an issue of WWE Magazine exposing Ric Flair as a fraud.

--April 5, Macho Man Randy Savage challenged Ric Flair w/Mr. Perfect to a WWE Title Match and also to defend the honor of his Wife Miss Elizabeth at Wrestlemania 8, her finial Wrestlmania appearance.... Due to much of Mr. Perfect's involvement in the match. Miss Elizabeth came down to ringside fighting off the officials who try to stop her. After several attempts, The officials left her alone and sure enough Lady luck helped macho Man gain his 2nd title win and an upset Ric flair grabbed Liz and kissed her only to be slapped and knocked down by Miss Elizabeth.

--April 19, Marked Miss Elizabeth last appearance in the WWE as she managed Macho Man to his title defense against the HBK Shawn Michaels w/Sensational Sherri. Which of course due to a lot of interference by Sherri, Miss Elizabeth took care of her and left the WWE with a bang!!

--In June, Miss Elizabeth filed for divorce from Macho Man Randy Savage

--September 18, Miss Elizabeth & Macho Man Randy Savage is officially divorced


--Sometime in 1993, Macho Man published a statement in the WWF Magazine that he and Miss Elizabeth are indeed divorce

--April 4,Wrestlemania 9.. Hulk Hogan shiner on his eye caused a lot of rumors that Macho man and Hulk got into a fist fight due to macho man accusing Hogan of breaking him and Elizabeth up, however that is not the case as Hogan was in a Ski Accident that caused the black eye the day before Wrestlemania.


--December 3rd... After 9 years as the Top Star in the WWF... Miss Elizabeth's ex-husband Macho Man Randy Savage left for the Rival WCW


--July 16, Bash at the beach, Prior to Macho Man Randy Savage vs Ric flair in a lifeguard match…Flair cut a promo on savage and made a reference of Miss Elizabeth making this the first hint that she was returning to professional wrestling


--January 23, Clash of the champions, the returning and the debut in WCW of the first Lady of wrestling reuniting with the Mega Powers along with NFL Star Kevin Green by her side at ringside which lost to the team of the Giant & Ric Flair managed by Jimmy Hart

--February 6, Super Brawl 6, World Heavyweight title match in a Steele cage, Macho Man Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth lost his title to Ric Flair w/Woman (Nancy Benoit) due to Miss Elizabeth interference shocking the wrestling world ending her relationship with both the Mega powers

--February 12, The next night on Monday Nitro, an all new Miss Elizabeth came out with Ric Flair and Woman to discuss about her making Macho Man the man that he is today

--March 24, WCW Uncensored.....Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage defeated The Alliance to End Hulkamania (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Meng, The Barbarian, Lex Luger, Kevin Sullivan, Z-Gangsta and The Ultimate Solution w/Jimmy Hart, Miss Elizabeth, & Woman) in a Tower of Doom Steel Cage match

--May 19, WCW Slamboree... Due to the battle Bowl Lottery.... Randy Savage was picked to pair in a tag team with his enemy Ric Flair w/Woman & Miss Elizabeth and in the first round defeated Arn Anderson and Eddie Guerrero but lost to the Public Enemy in the 2nd round

--June 16, WCW Great American Bash....Ric Flair and Arn Anderson (with Woman, Miss Elizabeth & Bobby The Brain Heenan) defeated Kevin Greene and Steve McMichael (with Randy Savage, Debra McMichael and Tara Greene) when Steve Mcmichael & Debra turned on Kevin Green & Randy Savage to join the 4 horsemen

--July 7, WCW Bash at the beach...... Ric Flair (with Miss Elizabeth and Woman) defeated Konnan for the WCW US title

--August 10, WCW's first Annual Hog Wild Pay Per View saw Chris Benoit w/Woman & Miss Elizabeth Beat Dean Malanko & later both women managed Ric Flair in keeping his US Title from Eddie Guerrero

--August 15, Clash of Champions, The Giant (with Jimmy Hart) beat Chris Benoit (with Woman & Miss Elizabeth)
--in the main event later in the evening Ric Flair (with Woman & Miss Elizabeth) beat Hollywood Hogan

--September 15, Fall Brawl... After 7 months as a member of the 4 horsemen led by Ric Flair, Miss Elizabeth broke away to help save Randy Savage from the acts of the NWO Led by Hollywood Hogan at Fall Brawl

--October 27, WCW Halloween Havoc.... Hollywood Hogan w/Ted Dibiase beat Macho Man Randy Savage when Miss Elizabeth came down to try and help Randy Savage from Hogan's cheating ways

--October, Miss Elizabeth contract is own by the NWO and is now an official member of the group led by Hollywood Hogan against Miss Elizabeth's wishes

--December 29, WCW Starrcade... Miss Elizabeth with Eric Bishoff comes to the ring with Hollywood Hogan w/Ted Dibase for his match against Rowdy Roddy Piper but was sent to the back.


--February 24, Miss Elizabeth is Happy Randy Savage joined the NWO after superbrawl 7 and now a happy member she kisses Randy Savage in the ring

--March 16, WCW Uncensored..... Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth Expose Diamond Doll Kimberley Playboy spread only to attack Dallas Page when Kimberly came out crying with NWO Spray painted all over her

--April 6, Spring Stampede in the main event Pitting Diamond Dallas Page w/Diamond Doll Kimberly against Macho Man Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth was a match that turned personal when Macho Man threaten to hurt Kimberly. Which Dallas Page won the bout?

--May 5, WCW Nitro.....Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri was set to face The Gaint & Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimbrely but DDP & Kimbrely was attacked by Hollywood Hogan & Macho Man w/ Miss Elizabeth and the rest of the NWO Pack attacked Harlem Heat & The Giant and later Ric Flair, Rowdy Roddy Piper, & Kevin Green... Making this technically the first time Sherri & Elizabeth worked together in WCW Since their days in the WWF in 1992

--May 18, WCW Slamboree.... Macho Man & Miss Elizabeth cuts a promo on Diamond Dallas Page only to be attacked by Page himself

--June 15, Great American Bash..... Macho Man w/Miss Elizabeth beat Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly in a Falls count anywhere match

--July 13, WCW Bash at the Beach..... Scott Hall and Macho Man Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Curt Hennig (w/Kimberly) when Curt left the match leaving DDP alone

--August 9, WCW Hog Wild... The Giant defeated Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth

--August 21, Clash of the champions, Randy Savage & Scott Hall (with Miss Elizabeth) BEAT Sting & Lex Luger

--September 14, WCW Fall Brawl....... Lex Luger and Diamond Dallas Page defeated Scott Hall and Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) in a No Disqualification match

--October 26, on Halloween Havoc, Diamond Dallas Page with 7 months into the personal feud with Macho Man Randy Savage.... broke out of hand when Miss Elizabeth at ringside caused havoc and showing much more than just a pretty face as the dangerous manager of the NWO took out the ref and then worked on taking out Diamond Dallas Page until Diamond Doll Kimberly ran down and had a cat fight with her dragging her to the back.

--December 6, It was reported that Miss Elizabeth married Miami attorney Cary Lubetsky at the Cuban Hebrew Temple in Miami Beach , he is a non-wrestler

--December 27, WCW Starcade….Scott Norton, Vincent and Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) and Ray Traylor (with Ted DiBiase)


--January 24, WCW Sold Out.....Lex Luger defeated Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth)

--February 22, WCW Super Brawl 8.....Lex Luger defeated Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth)

--Early 1998, The NWO was having problems with Randy Savage wanting to control everything over Hollywood Hogan and Miss Elizabeth supported Randy. This led to a feud between Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage with most of the NWO supporting Hogan.

--March 15, WCW Uncensored......Hollywood Hogan fought Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth to a no contest in a Steel cage match

--April 19, WCW Spring Stampede, Miss Elizabeth Managed Macho Man Randy Savage in a match to face Sting only to find himself in trouble when Miss Elizabeth tried to stop Sting with a folding chair and later Macho Pulled her in harm’s way and got the stinger splash from sting.

--May , Elizabeth returned to Randy's side after the injury she got at Spring Stampede in the newly formed NWO Wolfpac with Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Sting, and Konnan

--June, Hollywood Hogan, Bret Hart, & Eric Bishoff cut a Promo on Macho Man Randy Savage and surprised him with the macho man's valet Miss Elizabeth who is now on their side of the feud

--June, About when she joined Bischoff she kissed him to make Randy jealous and Randy Savage told her he got over her a long time ago.

--June 1998 On WCW Thunder a couple of nights after Miss Elizabeth joined NWO Hollywood and Eric Bishoff. she made a speech about making Randy Savage a star with Eric Bischoff by her side. She told Randy off during the interview

--Summer, Eric Bishoff w/Miss Elizabeth has been feuding with Celebrity Jay Leno and had his own version of the late night show on Monday Nitro where Eric Bishoff comes out with Miss Elizabeth by his side and cuts hard hitting jokes on Jay Leno, Diamond Dallas Page, & Kimberley.

--August 8, WCW Road Wild... Tag team Match was the main event when Diamond Dallas Page & Jay Leno w/Kevin Eubanks beat Hollywood Hogan & Eric Bishoff w/Miss Elizabeth & The disciple.


--WCW Magazine awarded her Best Manager

--January, a Major plot to prevent Bill Goldberg who was the top draw in WCW at the time from facing Hollywood Hulk Hogan for the WCW World title. Miss Elizabeth reported to the police that Bill Goldberg has been stalking her, sexually harassing her and won't leave her alone. according to the law, they had to arrest Bill Goldberg early on the show of Monday Nitro at the time it has been reported, The Show went on and through out the 2 hours, They question Bill Goldberg and Miss Elizabeth at separate times, however Miss Elizabeth stories were confusing and was eventually caught in a web of lies... They released Bill Goldberg to face Hollywood Hogan and had just made it to the main event match only to be jumped by the NWO Goons

--January 24, Sold Out, During a Match between Lex Luger & Konnan, Miss Elizabeth comes out towards the end as she looks quite different in her tight red velvet blouse when she sprayed mace or hair spray in the eyes of Konnan costing him his match against Lex Luger.

--At this point in WCW, Miss Elizabeth was the main manager for Lex Luger & The outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)

--February, Kevin Nash has been making fun of the Junior heavyweights including there top star Rey Mystrio Jr. who from time after time getting attack by Miss Elizabeth's men. and was even offered to be a member of there team, Kevin Nash than challenged Rey Mystrio in a tag team match with the stipulation that it was a Hair vs. Mask Match, Many to believe it would be Kevin Nash or Lex Luger hair on the line against Rey's mask. but that isn't the case when they announced it to be Miss Elizabeth's Hair on the line.

--February 21, Super Brawl 9, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall w/Miss Elizabeth & Lex Luger..the outsiders  saved Miss Elizabeth hair beating Rey Mystrio & Konnan making this a historical night in wrestling history when Rey was forced to unmask after the match showing  his face which is against Mexican wrestling tradition, once unmasked, showing his young good looking baby face with all the participants of the match in the ring seeing him and poking fun at him

--March 14, WCW Uncensored....Kevin Nash (with Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth) defeated Rey Misterio Jr. (w/Konnan)

--April, Macho Man returns to WCW with an all new look as well as a new girlfriend Gorgeous George and was featured on the cover of The WCW Magazine and in the Magazine, Macho Man had stated that he and Gorgeous George has no problem mixing it up with Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth if it ever came down to it

--April 11, WCW Spring Stampede.... Goldberg defeated Kevin Nash (with Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth)

--April 19, It was reported that Miss Elizabeth 1 1/2 year marriage to Miami attorney Cary Lubetsky had ended in divorce

--May 9, Gorgeous George w/Macho Man, Madusa, & Miss Mona beat Charles Robinson w/Ric Flair & Asya at WCW Slamboree 99 with the stipulation that Macho Man would be rehired by WCW if his new girlfriend and Valet Gorgeous George wins the match, After the Match Macho Man Hoisted George over his shoulder as he use to do with Miss Elizabeth many years before.

--September 27, 1999... Promos started to Air the funeral of Lex Luger with a Woman in all black being the only one attending, The message was that the Man Lex Luger is Dead and made his Debut as the Total Package along with the Woman in Black taking off the dress showing the Sexier side of Elizabeth

--October 24, Halloween Havoc..... The Total Package (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated Bret Hart

--November 1st, 1999.... Billy Kidman, Eddy Guerrero and the rest of the junior heavyweights spy on Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth in there dressing room discussing a feud with Sting with the Kid Cam. However it was a blooper when whoever filming it said Cut too soon and the Kid Cam bit was still rolling catching Elizabeth, Luger and the Juniors laughing and nothing could be edit out as it was Live TV

--November 16, WCW released WCW Mayhem the music which feature a track called Pay Per View by Ruff Ryders featuring drag on, jadakiss, & styles... Popular Rapper EVE pays homage to Miss Elizabeth in the song wanted to be like Miss Elizabeth

--November 21, WCW Mayhem..... Lex Luger beat Meng when Miss Elizabeth came down to spray hairspray in luger's eyes only to catch Meng in the eyes by accident

--November 29, Lex Luger blames Elizabeth for spraying in the face of Sting that Luger books Elizabeth in a match against Meng making this her first match ever (technically) as pure punishment... To escape the match, Elizabeth Locks herself in a Cage that was meant for Torrie Wilson in her own feud with Asya, Elizabeth stays in the cage. and begs Sting for help but he turns his back!.... to get Elizabeth out there for the match, Luger drives a fork lift holding the cage with Elizabeth in it and drives to the ring with Meng waiting. Once making it to the ring, Elizabeth is scared to death as Meng is pounding on the cage with Elizabeth far back as she could be. Luger on the verge of giving Meng the key to open the cage door, Sting comes out to save Elizabeth

--December 6, 1999. Luger again tries to teach Miss Elizabeth a lesson that he books her in a match against the very heavy Rhonda Sing who would be replacing Leilani Kai in her match against Rhonda in a Mud Pit Match. After refusing to wrestle the former WWF Women's champion. Luger promise the WCW Powers to be that she will be in a match that night... If it had to be him wrestling her. Against Elizabeth will, Luger brings Elizabeth out to the Mud Pit and throws her in as Luger ready to start the match pitting himself against her, Sting comes out once again to help Elizabeth by throwing Luger in the pit of Mud and helps get Elizabeth out.

--December 13, 1999..... Luger tries to make amends with Elizabeth who wouldn't hear nothing of it and walked out.. During the Lex Luger match, Elizabeth comes out only to be stopped by sting that brings her to the back with him.. Later in the night Elizabeth showed Sting a new contract that she would be his main manager and manages him in a match against Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash and due to Elizabeth interference, Sting wins the match

--December 19, Starcade.... Sting vs Lex Luger will determine the winner gets Elizabeth.... During the match Elizabeth was caught trying to help Luger and at that point Sting wasn't fighting in the honor of Elizabeth anymore and is out for himself and knew the whole time Elizabeth and Luger plotted against Sting... Once Sting had the match in his favor, Elizabeth came out of the woodwork and bashed a baseball bat in sting face and along with Lex Luger, the couple injured Sting so bad that he was MIA for months after that.


--After Sting has been MIA, Miss Elizabeth continues to take out anyone with a baseball bat in hand including Brain Knobbs, Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart, Dustin Rhoads, Vampiro, Fit Finaly, Terry Funk and etc.

--February, Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth introduce Ric Flair as the new member of Team Package.  Feuding with Hulk Hogan & Sting w/Jimmy Hart

--February 2, 2000... Lex Luger has a few choice words for Hogan but Luger was taken out and with the Help of Elizabeth it backfired as Hulk Hogan atomic drops his former manager to the ground

--April 10, 2000 The Powers to Be Vince Russo and Eric Bishoff called out the entire WCW Roster and announce that all WCW Titles will be vacant and storylines will be scraped and Nitro will have all new changes including Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth role in the Company

--February 20, Superbrawl 2000..... Hulk Hogan defeated The Total Package (with Miss Elizabeth)

--March 19, WCW Uncensored 2000.... Sting defeated The Total Package (with Miss Elizabeth) in a Lumberjacks with Casts match

--April 16, Spring Stampede 2000..... Tag Team Championship semi-final: Team Package (Ric Flair and Lex Luger) (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated The Harris Brothers (Ron and Don) and The Mamalukes (Johnny the Bull and Big Vito) (with Disco Inferno) in a Handicap match

--April 26, 2000.... Vince Russo made clear to Team Package that Elizabeth is not owned by Team Package but is owed by WCW making him the sole owner of Liz Contract and has her kidnap

--May 1st, 2000 with Miss Elizabeth forced as a valet to Vince Russo according to Vince Russo contract that he owns Elizabeth, Vince treats Elizabeth like a dog only to be replied back to kissing her Kentucky ass. He then makes her watch his goons take out Lex Luger and forces Elizabeth who is known to have a Baseball Bat in hand to strike Luger, She than turns around and strikes Vince Russo and runs before the goons catches her.

--May 3rd, 2000.... Miss Elizabeth is forced to watch at ringside with Vince Russo as Ric Flair comes out and joins them and makes there fight more personal as Vince Challenges Flair using Miss Elizabeth as a shield only to be mule kick and Flair took advantage and all hell broke loose between the Securities.

--May 7, Slamboree, Marks Elizabeth very Last Wrestling Pay Per View when she again was force to be by Vince Russo Side in the back only to escape again with the baseball bat taking out Vince Russo and running to ringside to help Lex Luger in his match against Buff Bagwell, Due to Elizabeth striking Buff with the Baseball Bat and costing him the match against Luger... Elizabeth and Luger reunited and were destroyed when Chuck Palumbo The new version of Luger came out and helped Buff Bagwell take out Luger making her watch the punishment.

--May 8, 2000 Due to Miss Elizabeth fighting Vince Russo and running away every chance she gets. Vince Russo books a Match with Elizabeth against the psycho Daffney and if Liz wins, she will be free from her contract with Vince Russo.

--Elizabeth coming out unhappy but ready for a fight, Daffney runs out with a tank top that says LIZ WILL DIE, and as a Lunatic, Daffney screams, jumps around and runs wild in the square circle, Once the bell rang Elizabeth shocked the arena when she took out Daffney with the fans going wild as the first Lady of wrestling was ready to fight making this her Official first match on record, with the match in her favor, Liz brought her to the ground with a slap to the face. Grabbing her by the hair Liz pulled off two hair beals, before choking her in the corner of the ring. Unbeknown to Liz, Madusa had entered the ring and grab Liz by the hair and threw her into the corner. With nowhere to go Liz looked as though she would have to face two opponents. Just as Madusa was about to start on Liz, Mona raced into the ring and saved Liz. Realizing this was her time to escape, Elizabeth slipped under the ropes. However, wanting to return the favor to Mona, Liz grabbed a chair, climbed back into the ring and smashed it across Madusa's back. Venting her frustration Liz swung for the referee before being escorted to the back once again by R&B security. When Miss Elizabeth came on her own in this match... One of the WCW Announcers made a statement that she learned a lot being with The Macho Man Randy Savage for so many years.

--May 10, 2000 Miss Elizabeth again forces to wrestle only this time on WCW Thunder but wants her freedom so bad that she would do what it takes.... This time it's not Daffney but Rhonda Sing, Elizabeth more scared than ever hides in the corner only to be saved by Luger when Rhonda ready to fight Lex was distracted when she ran after him and missed and was knocked out with a kick to the face from Elizabeth and fell into the total package by Lex Luger and taken out.

--May 15, 2000.... Due to Miss Elizabeth taking out Madusa with the Chair.. Vince Russo books a Cage match that pits Elizabeth against Madusa, with Vince calling all the shots and Madusa waiting to get her hands on Elizabeth, Lex Luger comes back to WCW to save Elizabeth from both Vince Russo and Madusa.. All the members of the New Blood and the Millionaires Club clash in the arena and the R & B Security takes Elizabeth back, and away from Luger as Kevin Nash makes a Surprise return and cleaned house.

--May 22, 2000..... Vince Russo plans a Funeral for the Nature Boy Ric Flair along with his son David Flair, Crowbar, Daffney, & Jeff Jarrett and forced to also be there is Miss Elizabeth.... In a Match between Diamond Dallas Page vs Chuck Palumbo (A Lex Luger wannabe) ask Elizabeth who was at hand with R & B Security for a Kiss that she led him to believe that would happen only to slap him across the face. The soon to be EX Wife of Diamond Dallas Page, Kimberley wasn't happy that Elizabeth got involved that she showed up with the baseball bat and struck her in the back taking out Liz..

--May 24, 2000... Miss Elizabeth was being held captive by Kimberley only to be knocked out by Liz and took off with the bat.... With the orders of Eric Bisoff, Kimberly had to find her and bring her back to the New Blood, After failed attempts to find Elizabeth... Kimberley told Mean gene in an interview that when she does find her she will,...... Interrupted by Liz hits her with the bat and drags her to the ring with Diamond Dallas Page waiting for his EX Wife and thanks to Liz he was able to have her by embarrassing her over his knee.. Once Elizabeth left the two in the ring, R & B Security kidnaps Liz and Eric Bicshoff press charges on Dallas Page for violating his restraining order against Kimberley

--June, 2000.... Diamond Doll Kimberley had enough with Elizabeth and wanted revenge on her for striking Kimberley with the baseball bat that she along with Mike Awesome and Chuck Palumbo called her out. Not afraid of the three in the ring, Elizabeth comes out anyway to put Kimberley in her place, With Kimberley's demands. the two goons hold Elizabeth as Kimberley taunts her until Diamond Dallas Page comes out to make the save as well as Lex Luger making this Miss Elizabeth last official appearance on Wrestling TV

--Before Miss Elizabeth Left WCW, She was booked to face Diamond Doll Kimberley at the Great American Bash but was scraped once Miss Elizabeth left and the story line was dropped and Stacy Kiebler replaced Elizabeth in the feud with Kimberley

August 17, It was stated that Miss Elizabeth was making 156,000 dollars a year at the time she left WCW and it was labeled a cost cutting move on the WCW Powers to be


--March, World Championship Wrestling (WCW) where Miss Elizabeth worked as main event status for four years before leaving closed down when Vince McMahon bought out the company and "merged" with the WWE


--World Wrestling All Stars (WWA), a New Company forming in Europe started to book former WCW Stars including Miss Elizabeth as a valet to Lex Luger, however even though Lex Luger was the WWA Top star, Miss Elizabeth ended up not working for them but did accompany him to Europe

--Miss Elizabeth was ranked #11 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 100 hottest women in wrestling


--Jimmy Hart who was working for NWA: Total Non-Stop Action (TNA) Contacted Miss Elizabeth to work on the upcoming promotion but TNA was not interested in hiring Lex Luger, her live in boyfriend, Due to that Miss Elizabeth turned down the offer

--April 19, Easter Sunday, Lex Luger (a/k/a Lawrence Pfohl), 44, was arrested for allegedly beating Elizabeth Hulette. Luger was released on a $2,500 bond.

--April 21, 2003, Luger was arrested for driving under the influence after rear-ending another car while driving his Porsche. According to the report on the arrest, Luger had slurred speech, bloodshot eyes and could not locate his driver's license. Luger had a 9-mm handgun in the car. Elizabeth was a passenger in the vehicle, and was sent home in a taxicab. Luger was also driving with a suspended license for not appearing in court on March 5, 2003 for a hearing on a previous offence (driving with expired tags and having no proof of insurance).

--May 1, 2003, 10:21 am, Cobb County Police in Georgia are investigating the death of a woman who spent last night in the home of Lex Luger, according to News Radio 640 WGST. According to the story posted on the station's web site, police responded to a call placed from the home at 5:30 a.m. regarding a sick woman. The unidentified female was transported to a nearby hospital where she later died. There is no word on the name of the woman who died or the cause of death. Police have not pressed any charges as of yet, but did say that they responded to a domestic disturbance at Luger's home on Easter Sunday.

--May 1, 2003, 11:04 am, Cobb County Police in Georgia have told the local media that there were no apparent signs of violence relating to the death of the woman who was rushed to the hospital from Lex Luger's (a/k/a Larry Pfohl) home, according to a newsroom worker at 640 WGST in Atlanta. However, the identity of the deceased woman has yet to be released by police.

--May 1st @ 12:53 pm, Miss Elizabeth, real name Elizabeth Hulette, today was pronounced dead after being rushed to the hospital during a visit to the house of Larry Pfohl, a.k.a. Lex Luger.
Luger has been released from custody and it seems as if charges will not be pressed against him.
No cause of death is yet available at this point

--May 1, 2003, 1:26 PM, Elizabeth Heulette (a/k/a Miss Elizabeth), 42, was the woman who died after being rushed to the hospital from Lex Luger's house this morning, according to published reports and numerous sources. Lex Luger was questioned by police this morning and has since been released. For the record, the Cobb County Police Department has yet to officially announce the identity of the woman believed by sources to be Elizabeth.

--May 1, 2003, 4:18 PM, Lex Luger (a/k/a Larry Pfohl) was arrested by Cobb County, GA. police after drugs were found in his home while police were investigating the death of Elizabeth Hulette, according to A police spokesperson told the station that they have not determined the cause of death. "At this point, we don't know if it's a suicide, we don't know if it's a natural death, we don't know if it's a homicide," police spokesman Brody Staud told WSBTV.

--May 1, 2003, 5:54 pm, Lex Luger (a/k/a Lawrence Pfohl), 44, was arrested earlier today when police found a controlled substance in his home while investigating the death of Hulette.
Although a Cobb County police department spokesperson previously told the media that foul play had not been ruled out, they have since stated that there was no indication of foul play.,
Elizabeth Hulette's ex-husband Randy Savage issued the following statement on "I am deeply saddened by this news, and our thoughts and prayers are with Elizabeth's family."

--May 1st @ 7:41 PM, It has been confirmed that the death of Elizabeth is not down to foul play and the case will not be treated as a homicide. The cause of death will not be released until an autopsy is completed., Lex Luger has in fact been arrested by the Cobb County Police Department and looks to be charged with possession of illegal drugs. He is expected to spend the night in jail and face the Cobb County Magistrate Court the following morning. He will likely be released on bail.

--Preliminary autopsy results in the death of the professional wrestler known as Miss Elizabeth could be released sooner than expected as authorities continue their inquiry into how she died.
Report says Miss Elizabeth died at Kennestone Hospital shortly after she arrived, but authorities have not yet determined her cause of death.
Elizabeth was transported to Kennestone by ambulance. Authorities said Pfohl, 44, rode with her to the hospital. Neighbors said Elizabeth was Pfohl's girlfriend.
Several hours after Hulette was pronounced dead, Pfohl was arrested after investigators found illegal substances in his home, which were identified as large quantities of anabolic steroids. He was released from jail Thursday after posting a $25,000 bond.

--May 2, 2003, WWE Posted the following statement,
We are saddened to hear of the death of Elizabeth Hulette. Miss Hulette played the very popular character of Miss Elizabeth in WWE from 1985 to 1992. She finished her career at WCW, from Jan. 1996 through Jan. 1999. We at WWE send our sincere condolences to Miss Hulette's family.

--May 9, 2003... Wrestling celebrity Miss Elizabeth had been mixing vodka and painkillers before she sat down to eat, started gurgling and then died, according to police reports.
Cobb County authorities have yet to declare an official cause of death in the May 1 incident in which the 42-year-old woman, whose real name was Elizabeth Hulette, was found unresponsive at the home of her boyfriend, former wrestling superstar Lex Luger.
According to the 911 tape, a panicky Luger, whose real name is Lawrence Pfohl, told the operator about 5:30 a.m., "I have an emergency, medical. My girlfriend has passed out and I can't get her to come to."
He said he couldn't tell if Hulette was breathing, adding: "We were eating and she started gurgling. I don't know why. Please send somebody, please."
Pfohl later told police that Hulette drank about two glasses of vodka and took some medication for her back pain, according to the police report.
While she was sitting on a couch eating a plate of food, he said, she started choking. He picked up some napkins and tried to remove whatever food was in her mouth. Then he started shaking her, hoping the food would come up, but she still wasn't breathing, the report said.
He told the 911 operator, "I couldn't get her to focus her eyes . . . She's like totally limp."
During the 911 call, Pfohl appeared less sure about the choking. When the operator asked him if he saw Hulette choking, he responded he did not know. When the operator tried to have him perform CPR on his unconscious girlfriend, he responded that when he breathed into her mouth, he could not see her chest move.
"When I blow in, there's just gurgling, probably from the food," he said.
By the time emergency crews arrived, five minutes after the call came in, the woman's skin had turned purplish. She was pronounced dead at WellStar Kennestone Hospital. The full autopsy report is expected in a month or two.
Hours after the incident, investigators combing through the three-story townhouse said they discovered more than 1,000 illegal pills. Pfohl was charged with 13 counts of felony drug possession. Among the drugs were steroids and other bodybuilding drugs, as well as pain medication and anxiety drugs, authorities said.
--The following was posted on Madusa's Official web Site: I first want to start off by saying My prayers and condolences go out to Liz's Mother and brother. I Have known Liz for a long time thanks to the Pro wrestling biz that is one good thing that does happen in the biz that you meet wonderful people and some you just stay closer with, like Miss Elizabeth. Liz and I have shared some wonderful times, laughing, crying, traveling and just plain being "girl friends". Liz has truly been an inspiration to every woman in this sport and started a path for the women of today. Her beauty is priceless, her voice I can still her in my head. I cried and I cried hard and I am angry. I feel that when tragic strikes our emotions want to strike back for the fear of not knowing what or how it happened, usually that is the case...I can tell you this the reason for her death will not go unnoticed and I truly believe "The reason of why it happened will burn in hell!!" We miss you Liz.....

--Bret Hart posted his tribute of Miss Elizabeth called Little angel of wrestling
Miss Elizabeth was one of the most genuine ladies the business ever saw. When my kids were young and I brought them on the road with me, Liz would often graciously offer to watch them while I had to work.
When my oldest daughter, Jade, now 20, was still in single digits, she idolized Liz and enjoyed getting all dolled up like her.
One thing that shouldn't be overlooked about Liz is that when the wrestling business slid into sleaze in the late '90's, she remained a lady.
She was more than deserving of the moniker First Lady of Wrestling -- which, in no small irony, was also the title given to my mother by fans and wrestlers alike.
Both my mother and Miss Elizabeth somehow managed to stay true to themselves, civilized and polished, sharp and articulate, even though they were constantly surrounded by ruffians and chaos.
I don't recall ever seeing Liz in a bad mood.
She was always courteous and polite and never ever developed a trace of a prima- donna attitude. She never walked around with her nose in the air thinking she was bigger than the wrestlers, even though for a time she was, unlike most of the women who came up after her.
When I arrived in WCW in December of 1997, I was pleasantly surprised to find Liz there, managing Lex Luger.
One of my last conversations with her was in the spring of 1999, shortly after my brother Owen died.
She sensed my heartache as she gently told me after watching me for all these years, she just wanted to thank me -- for what, I wasn't sure.
But she went on to say I was her favorite and, although she didn't pretend to be an expert, she said she'd seen with her own eyes how hard I'd worked -- for everybody in the dressing room -- year after year.
She said she wanted me to know how truly sorry she was things had turned out so dark for me at the end and I deserved so much better.
She gave me a sincere hug and, over the years, her kind praise has meant so much more to me than she will ever know.
Miss Elizabeth was my friend.
I loved her dearly and will miss her dearly. I only wish I'd have told her how very much she meant to me, too.
All those wrestlers in heaven will have to part and make way for the little angel of wrestling.

--WWE Air the Story on WWE Confidential as well as a Tribute hosted by Mean Gene.... Howard Finkel, Hulk Hogan, Vince Mcmahon, the Brooklyn brawler, Bruce Prichard, Gerald Brisco, and Stephanie McMahon all talked and paid tribute to the first lady of wrestling

--Friends of the couple reported that Elizabeth and Luger was planning a wedding later in the year

--June 6, 2003, Gene Okerlund joined a GIR Radio show for one of the most memorable shows in Get in the Ring history.
The talk turned to the recent criticism about the Elizabeth and Lex Luger Confidential episodes. Gene says it is such a tragic story and the whole ordeal was likely difficult for Luger. Lex did not do his career any good with his actions on Easter Sunday. Gene says that he tried to get Luger on the show to give his side of the story but he did not respond. Gene does not believe they glamorized or glorified Miss Elizabeth's death and they never went out on a limb and speculated about what happened. They will likely report again once autopsy results in.

--August 1, a fatal of mix of pills and alcohol caused the untimely and accidental May death of the wrestling icon “Miss Elizabeth,” according to the final autopsy results released.
At the time of her death, 42-year-old Elizabeth Hulette had a blood alcohol level of 0.29 and a mix of painkillers, nausea medication and tranquilizers in her system, said Mark Bishop, operations manager of the Cobb County Medical Examiner’s Office.
In Georgia, drivers operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or above are considered impaired.
Bishop said Ms. Hulette’s death has been ruled accidental, due to “acute toxicity,” or an overdose. He said there is nothing to indicate suicide or foul play.

--Celebrity Justice airs the Miss Elizabeth story and discussing Lex Luger's Crimes and address Miss Elizabeth as the first Lady of Wrestling which upsets Missy Hyatt who believes She is the first Lady of wrestling!

--During this breaking news story of The first Lady of wrestling Miss Elizabeth and Lex Luger, Xtream Pro Wrestling (XPW) an LA California base company that nearly went national took the advantage and poked fun at the situation, with Mr. 80's Dynamite D who's gimmick is coming out dressed like an 80's Icon of the WWE and this time comes out as Macho Man with Lizzy Borden (a porn star and Valet in XPW) in the ring cutting a promo was mistreated by Dynamite D as when the Real Macho Man had done to Miss Elizabeth during there early days in the WWE and then went on to cut a promo making fun of drugs in wrestling referring to Lex Luger who is under investigation for the drug bust the night they investigated Miss Elizabeth death

--June 15, 2003....... On WWE Badd Blood PPV, Scott Steiner defeated Test to win the managerial services of Stacy Kiebler. After the match Scott Stiner Hoisted Stacy Kiebler over his shoulder in honor of Miss Elizabeth Legacy

--July, WWF Magazine pays Tribute to Miss Elizabeth's memory


--February 21,- 3PW: "Macho Man" Matt Striker w/Miss Talia (Velvet Sky) (tossing Slim Jims into the crowd) defeated Monsta Mack.

--Lex Luger debuts in TNA and Macho Man also debuts with TNA that year and the original idea was to do a story line that Macho Man is after Lex Luger and accuses him for killing Miss Elizabeth, That idea was nixed and both never did work together in TNA

--Sherri Martel sat down for a shoot interview and discussed her friendship with Miss Elizabeth and had to pause and hold back tears discussing on what she meant to her

--October 12,.. Top TNA Star and former WCW Alumni Sting released a Movie Starring himself titled Sting: Moment of Truth... Which documents his personal relationship, starting out in Body Building and wrestling and showed actual footage of his time in WCW where Miss Elizabeth had several cameos including her famous Chair shot to Sting at Spring Stampede 1998..


--February 3, 2005, Lex Luger pled guilty to the charges on the night they found Miss Elizabeth and He was given a $1,000 fine, sentenced to five years’ probation, and required to submit to periodic drug testing.

--November 14, 2005, Lex Luger is interviewed for the first time since the tragic death of Miss Elizabeth and discusses his story of what happen that night.

--December 6...Border Patrol Agents detain Lex Luger for five hours upon his arrival in Canada, due to an outstanding warrant issued by the state of Georgia on a drug charged the night Miss Elizabeth died in his home

--As a result, Luger sent back to the US where he is arrested at Minneapolis/ST.Paul Airport. The two time WCW Champion is held without bail for two weeks in hennepin county jail. Luger was accompanied by Buff Bagwell, both were headed for an Action wrestling entertainment show in Canada


--January 22, Insane Plan interviews her former brother in law Lanny poffo… Lanny Poffo does not discuss his relationship with Miss Elizabeth in the interview

--June 6, WWE released the greatest Managers DVD Focusing on the best Managers in wrestling including a tribute to Miss Elizabeth

--Lex Luger sat down for a Shoot Interview and stated he never hit or got physical during his relationship with Miss Elizabeth despite the police reports that states it differently


--Lanny Poffo Aka The genius and the real life brother of Macho Man Randy Savage sat down for a shoot interview discussing Miss Elizabeth who at one time was her brother in Law said that he nor Macho Man do not blame Lex Luger for the death of Miss Elizabeth as they both feel it was her choice to take the drugs.

--June 15... 4 years after the death of Miss Elizabeth, Her close friend and enemy in wrestling Sensational Sherri Passes away of the same cause as Miss Elizabeth did at the age of 49..

--a week later Nancy Benoit better known as Woman and along with Miss Elizabeth a Member of the 4 horsemen was killed along with her son Daniel by her Husband and Father of Daniel, Chris Benoit a Man, Miss Elizabeth once managed in WCW along with Nancy Benoit commits suicide on to himself after committing murder on his family

--The Media including The National Enquire has compared the death of Miss Elizabeth and the Benoit family Tragedy more than once in their coverage

--July 23, The Globe covered Pro Wrestling Deadly Secrets including the Story on Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth

--October, WWE 500TH Anniversary issue picks the top 55 Magazine Covers of all time calling it Cover Stars and Miss Elizabeth first WWF Magazine Cover in October 1986 makes it at #4


--February 21, TNA Impact Jay Lethal who pretends to be Macho Man asked So Cal Val on one knee if she will go out with him and she responded with an OHHHHHHH YEAHHH!!! (A page ripped out of the WWF Story book when the real Macho Man got down on one knee and asked Miss Elizabeth to marry him with her answer being OHHHHH YEAHHHH)

--It was reported that the WWE was in works of building a Macho Man Randy Savage DVD slated for a November release and as you know if this DVD Covers everything in Macho Man's life, Miss Elizabeth would be in a good chunk of the DVD but however Vince McMahon nixed the project as he still has personal heat with Macho Man

--March, 2008.... Miss Elizabeth is Honor on Women wrestling history month on and has also been added to its Alumni Section of the

--May 1st, 2008.. Insane Wrestling interviews TNA Knock-out So cal Val on her story line reacting the Macho Man & Miss Elizabeth storyline on TNA Programming with Jay Lethal.. When Insane Wrestling asked her about the storyline... She simply said jay lethal and herself are Hugh fans of Macho Man & Elizabeth that it should be looked more like a tribute than a spoof

--Former WWE Diva Sunny who at one point worked with Miss Elizabeth in WCW stated in a Radio interview although She loved Elizabeth when she worked with her in WCW, but she felt the only thing Miss Elizabeth knew how to do was stand there and look pretty and it's not like when I was 10 years old and watching her I could learn from that... the only thing I would see is how to put on a dress and do my hair... how can i learn from that??

---This Angered many many Fans of the Community where they all raised hell about her comments to the first true lady of wrestling

--October 19, Former WCW Champion Lex Luger is left temporarily paralyzed after suffering a spinal stroke at Wrestle fan fest


--May 7th, Insane Wrestling Interviews former WCW Star and Girlfriend of Macho Man Randy Savage George Frankienstein who cleared up any rumors of any heat with Miss Elizabeth and did admit she was treated like Miss Elizabeth when being with Macho Man

--June 19th, WWE Released a 3 disc DVD set documenting The life and times of Macho Man Randy Savage, Hosted by WWE Diva Maria and WWE Star Matt Stryker... It covers most of his WWE & WCW Career which he spent most of that time with the Lovely Miss Elizabeth

--August, TNA Star Kevin Nash is setting out a nationwide contest wanting a 2010 version of Miss Elizabeth as his Valet... of course The Real Miss Elizabeth was his Valet for a few years in WCW but would like a Valet that holds the same class that Miss Elizabeth once did in pro wrestling and would like the winner to not take any bumps or wrestle, just lead him in the right direction

--August, Miss Elizabeth graced and shared the cover of Inside Wrestling/The Wrestler Magazine Volume 29 headlining the top 10 greatest Summer Slam moments in history of WWE and Miss Elizabeth Famous loosing skirt distracting the Mega Bucks in the Main Event, Made number 5 in the ranking

--September 25, Insane Plan's own John Mikels &'s own Chrissy Hunt & Renee Straight team up and travel to frankfort, KY to visit the hometown of Miss Elizabeth

--September 26, John Mikels, Chrissy Hunt, & Renee straight visit the resting place of Miss Elizabeth and documents the experience, ironically enough prior to the visit, Total Non-stop action (TNA) was on television and Miss Elizabeth was mention on the program during the Jay Lethal story-line 


--February 24, Fight Show Wrestling radio interviewed the Honky Tonk Man who at one point worked with Miss Elizabeth in the WWF back in the 1980's made a comment quoting that "If Elizabeth had come with me instead of Luger, she might still be alive today"

--This caused a lot of controversy within the Miss Elizabeth web site that angered many members of the web site and demanded to know the reason of this quote

--February 27, 2010, a clarification & apology has been issued by Honky Tonk Man and his website stating that nothing was negative by that quote and only meant that he wished she was still alive today and meant no disrespect to her family, friends, and fans

--March 2010, celebrated Women history month and ranked Miss Elizabeth at #15 in the top 25 most impactful women in WWE History

--March, WWE Magazine Wrestlemania issuse Ranked #1 Wrestlemania 3 (Macho Man w/Miss Elizabeth vs Ricky The Dragon w/George the Animal) & #2 Wrestlemania 7 (Macho Man w/Sensational Sherri vs Ultimate Warrior, also after Miss Elizabeth reunites with Macho Man) in the Top 7 Matches that stopped the show.

--In the same Issue... Miss Elizabeth was ranked #1 for Wrestlemania 7 for reuniting with Macho Man in the top 8 Sexiest, Smartest, and Most Powerful Women in Mania History

--March 4 2010, the legendary Angelo Poffo who was the former Father in Law and boss to Miss Elizabeth passed away

--April 2010, listed Howard Finkel's top 25 wrestlemania memories which included the Mega powers explode at Wrestlemani 5 with Elizabeth in a neutral corner making # 10 in the ranking

--November 15 2010, WWE is Old School on RAW showing a promo of WWE IC champion Dolph Ziggler claiming him and his girlfriend Vicki Guerrero is the best IC Couple since Macho Man & Miss Elizabeth


--March 7, WWE Raw...John Cena was cutting a promo on the Rock, only to be sneaked attack by the World Champion the Miz who after also cut a promo on Cena by singing his own rap version including Miss Elizabeth in the song by saying "The Rock, John Cena, Macho Man and Liz... Stone Cold and Bret Hart.... there nothing compared to the Miz" on the Main Event the same night former WWE Diva Sunny was announced into the WWE Hall of Fame

--Following this....John Cena made a Mistake on his Twitter "Shun no biggie. I’m over it. So happy bout WrestleMania! I’ll use my frustrations to kick liz's teeth out. He's still a Dauwsh." And finally, Cena corrected the previous spelling error and took another shot at Miz with this one...

--"Ahhhh spell check. Contrary to previous tweet, I will kick MIZ's teeth out. he is a Dauwsh. Liz would kick me a** and ask for seconds."

--March 22, In her first Interview since the announcement of being inducted into the Hall of Fame. The First Diva of the WWE Sunny was asked why she don't think Miss Elizabeth paved the way for women in wrestling and gave the same answer as Miss Elizabeth just stood there and did nothing... at the end of the interview, the Radio Host made his way out to say that Miss Elizabeth still holds a special place in all our hearts

.--April 2, The afternoon of the WWE Hall of Fame...Sunny was interviewed for youtube about her role as the first Diva in the WWE and explain about the Women before her including Miss Elizabeth as just a valet that each of them were one dimenational women where I did it all!

--April 26, In the Entertainment world.. TV Series Tosh.O which is a show that makes fun of Youtube videos and in this particular video was of a fan who wanted to make a comment to the ledgends in the Q & A Session but broke down crying and due to that got a spot on the show and the host Tosh poked fun of wrestling making Ignorant comments in reference to Owen Hart & Miss Elizabeth (I refuse to repete these comments).. Million Dollar Man, KO KO Beware, & SGT. Slaughter all guested in the Wrestling skit at the end of the show

--August 14, before SummerSlam Mattel Toy Company had wrestling personality Jimmy Hart announce that Miss Elizabeth was one of the five winners along with King Kong Bundy, Diamond Dallas Page, Arn Anderson, & Tully Blanchard to be released in the new toy line series


--August 9, ESPN interviews WWE Diva AJ Lee who compares her to the iconic Miss Elizabeth due to AJ’s story line love triangle between herself, CM Punk, & Daniel Bryan and AJ has responded that Miss Elizabeth was her first idol growing up and although appreciates the comparison, she felt that she was way out of her league and has a long way to go…



--August 13, 10 years after the untimely death of Miss Elizabeth, Lex Luger released an autobiography title wrestling with the devil and shares what
happen the night Elizabeth died and all the events leading up to her death and also reveled that he was having an affair with Elizabeth while still married...

--August 22, it has been confirmed that Miss Elizabeth will be featured in the WWE 2K14 video game as a manager and not a playable character


--April 6,The Ultimate Warrior who worked with Miss Elizabeth in WWE & WCW was  inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and sadly passed way 2 days  later


--March 28, after waiting for years, Macho Man finally gets inducted in the WWE Hall of fame, his Brother Lanny Poffo accepted  the awarded


--April 2, Sting who once manage by Elizabeth in WCW gets inducted into the WWE Hall of fame which he also announced his retirement  in wrestling

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