Thursday, August 8, 2013

Interview with Erica Porter from 2003

Quick Highlights

---Debut 2000

---Women of Wrestling (WOW) 2000-2001, 2013

---Has worked for Ultimate Pro Wrestling (UPW)

---Has Appeared on the Motion Picture Movie Spider-Man


JM: How did you get into Wrestling?

EP: I auditioned for WOW at the recommendation of a friend of mine. The audition was in Marina Del Rey in Feb. 2000 I had always been a fan, since I was a kid.



JM: What is the one thing you want to accomplish in the Biz?

EP: I want to be a household name. I want people to respect women in wrestling, for their wrestling and still maintain their femininity.



JM: What is the greatest High Light of your career?

EP: The PPV Splash match for WOW.



JM: Do you see yourself in the WWE in the future?

EP: Yes, if I am allowed to maintain my dignity! I will not do a bra and panties match type of thing. I look at myself as a true athlete with unbelievable ability and that is what will get me ahead!



JM: What is the worst experience you ever had to go through in the biz?

EP: Torn shoulder and broken wrist.



JM: What is the one thing you want to change about the biz?

EP: Those women wrestle as intensely as the men. That they are viewed as athletes and not sex objects. Everyone has their desire, that's mine!



JM: Who do you admire in the biz?

EP: admire anyone who slams their body around and works at 150% and strives to achieve excellence! It is not an easy gig and anyone who has the nerve to go out and take a bump, they have my respect!



JM: if you can, can you comment each woman of the WWE Today?

EP: I won't comment on people. Every person in the business has their own reasons for being there. Whether it is luck or hard work that brought them there, they all have stayed, so they must be doing something right. There will always be the need from some women to bump and some to just look cute, c'est la vie.



JM: what's the best part of wrestling?

EP: It was extremely exhilarating. I love to perform in front of a live crowd and I love to be the center of attention. I would say it's a perfect fit!



JM: what advice do you give to young female fans who dream of making in the biz?

EP: To decide from the beginning whether they truly want this career. It is very hard on relationships and themselves. Especially if you get to the WWE, it's not all glamour. There is a lot of traveling and training. Then I want to wrestle or just look cute.




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