Thursday, July 18, 2013

Interview with Julie Hart from 2007


quick Highlights

--Formally Married to Bret "The Hitman" Hart
--Appeared on Wrestling with Shadows Documentary

JM: Hi, Thank you so Much for your time to do this Interview.......The first question is have you ever been a wrestling fan growing up or is it when you met Bret Hart that you were married into it?

Julie: When I was a teenager, my grandmother and aunt watched and attended Stampede Wrestling in Regina. I didn't go with them but they'd often sit around the kitchen table discussing who was doing what to whom. Names like Abdul the Butcher, Archie “The Stomper” Goldie, and Jay Youngblood stand out the most in my mind. I recently met Jay Youngblood's nephew, Rapid Ric Romero, in Amarillo, Texas. He's a fine upcoming third generation wrestler.

JM: You have been very active in helping a really great charity The For The Love of Children Society of Alberta. How is it that you got involve with this charity and how is it working for you now?

Julie: Bret worked for the charity before I was involved. I became friends with the president, Ashid Bahl. After Bret asked me for a divorce, I spent most of my days incapacitated on the couch. I was drowning in depression and couldn't find a reason to participate in everyday life. Ashid came over and offered me this advice, “Julie, don't let the children see you like this. Join my charity (For the Love of Children Society of Alberta) and you will see that by helping others and not expecting anything in return, you will be filled with the strength and courage to go on without Bret as part of your identity.” I volunteered my time to work for the charity in and around Calgary. I've also traveled with Ashid to India, Nepal, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, Mexico, and Peru to help children and families in need. The charity improved my confidence and self-esteem. I gained positive relationships along the way as well.

JM: Is it true you have plans on writing a Book about all you have experienced in your mission work as well as your marriage to Bret Hart?

Julie: I put up a web site four years ago. I didn't expect to find wrestling fans interested in what my kids and I were doing. The tremendous amount of emails and questions I was answering is where the idea of an autobiography came from. many years ago Bret encouraged me to write about my life....
My sister, Michelle Billington, was once married to the Dynamite Kid and has also faced challenges in her life. She is an English major and a teacher. It made sense to combine our efforts as she's was approached by people to write about Dynamite. As a result, Michelle and I are co-authoring an autobiographical novel. Our book will delve into our humble beginnings, love stories, parenthood, the breakdown of both marriages, my mission work, and the subsequent spiritual journeys we experienced to survive life after fame and fortune. The book will offer an objective perspective from both sides of the relationships. 


JM: Do you have any upcoming events you want to share with the fans?

Julie: On May 5th I am making a special guest appearance in Sweetwater, Tennessee on behalf of For the Love of Children Society of Alberta. Randy Justus, the promoter and founder of C.W. E., which runs out of Knoxville, Tennessee, approached me to deliver a message to the wrestling fans and in return help raise funds for my charity. The message is that the continuing support of wrestling fans at the independent shows is the true heart of wrestling. Wrestling fans support and encourage wrestlers to strive and achieve their dreams and for that Randy and I want to say thank you. I personally know from experience how important fans are as I watched Bret rise from a local talent to an international superstar. All proceeds from this appearance will go to my charity.

I'm also attending The World Peace Conference May 15 - 17th in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I'll be raising awareness for my charity For the Love of Children Society of Alberta in the global community.

On June 9th IPWA (Israeli Pro Wrestling Association) ran by Gery Roif presents it`s 6th annual "Summer Splash" event that emphasizes on traditional pro-wrestling, featuring IPWA and Makkat Medina superstars, as well as a special appearance by the amazing Julie Hart, who will raise money for a Tel-Aviv orphanage on the behalf of her outstanding charity company, "For the Love of Children Society". Julie Hart will sign autographs for 5$ (20nis) with all profits going to the orphanage. The event is headlined by the highly anticipated IPWA Championship match between Sharon Palty and Yossi the "Bull". Stay tuned to as more matches for the card will be announced next week. * Event takes place at Maccabi Tel-Aviv`s boxing club, starting at 20:00. Entrance is free. For more details contact Gery Roif at

* More info on IPWA: IPWA official web site: Info on Gery Roif at web site


JM: You are also featured in an award winning documentary of wrestling with Shadows that documents Bret Hart's choice between WWE and WCW as well as the Montreal screw job.... What were your thoughts of the out come of the movie?

Julie: For most of the documentary I tried to stay in the shadows, but I happened to be in the right place at the right time. My claim to fame in that documentary was the pencil pointing moment.


JM: In the movie showed you very angry how Bret Hart was screwed out of the Title ... do you still hold that anger against Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon to this day over the situation?

Julie: Wait for the book and find out.



JM: Was WCW the better company than the WWE despite the falling out with Vince McMahon for Bret hart at the time?

Julie: Read Bret's book.


JM: Through the years in wrestling, there has always been updates on your children when they were younger, what have each of been up to these days?

Julie: Jade writes for an online magazine out of Toronto called Divine Women. Dallas starts training for a wrestling career in June. Beans is pursuing a singing career. Blade is still in school and he is going to a wrestling training camp during the summer.


JM: Being part of a HUGH wrestling family, has any of your kids wanted to follow in there family roots of professional wrestling?

Julie: The boys definitely have wrestling aspirations.


JM: I read an Interview with Jade awhile back that your Daughter Jade was inspired by Miss Elizabeth to one day be a Valet in pro wrestling ... what was your thoughts on her death a few years back that ended in tragedy

Julie: Jade, and my son Dallas, along with his friend Mike Byers, had a tag team which they called themselves, 'Thunder and Lightening.' Jade would put on her shiny party dress and pretend she was Miss Elizabeth. It was funny how she had Miss Elizabeth's mannerism down to a "T". They boys would have a match, while Jade would go back and forth cheering for her brother, and then race over to Mike. Jade was very fond of Liz and whenever Bret took her on the road with him Liz would baby sit her. Liz was a gentle and sweet spirit and we miss her very much.


JM: Wrestling is not the only sport within your family.. But Hockey is as well,.. would you prefer Hockey over wrestling?

JULIE: Hockey is my first choice. Blade played hockey since he was small. I enjoy going head to head with Dallas and his friends, because of my choice of teams. We also had a table hockey league until I got kicked out of it. I love controversy and always pick the teams that would bug Dallas. Everything can't always be rainbows in this house, the boys take their hockey serious! 


JM: How would you compare wrestling in Canada & the USA, as I have read that wrestling is different all over?

JULIE: Wrestling is a lot like hockey in Canada. Once you sign on to be a fan they stick for life. Smaller promotions give the fans a greater chance to be closer to their choice of hero. Unlike the wrestling today... where the fans don't have the same access, they settle with wearing a T-shirt. The bigger shows don't make it to Canada very much, so the fans keep the smaller promotions going. I've always admired the heart that goes into these shows, probably one of the reasons why I'm doing the upcoming shows in Tennessee and Israel. I understand the community a little better. It doesn't have to be big, to be a success. 

JM: what would you say to the politics in wrestling?

JULIE: Everybody wants to be on top... 


JM: You have also been working on a Documentary about your life.... Any new info on the release of the movie?

Julie: The documentary will follow the book.


JM: Name game:

Owen Hart- miss him
Vince McMahon- marketing genius
Shawn Michaels- loved his book
Dynamite Kid – best worker of all time
The British Bulldog Davy Boy Smith – a good soul
Diana Smith – She is an excellent friend to Michelle and me. We love her dearly.


JM: Do you have a web page for the fans to check more info out?

Julie: Yes, they can check out my web site and


JM: You also attended The WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony Last year that I have read, what was it like to go back to the WWE 9 years later after the controversy in 1997?

Julie: Unfortunately, I was planning to attend and due to politics I ended not going. My children attended and were very proud of their dad.


JM: Do you still follow wrestling today?

Julie: Yes, I have to because I live in a house full of Harts.



JM: You do so much for you charity and your upcoming shows and projects ... What do you do in your spare time?

Julie : Write, take Blade to Hockey, keep Beans focused on singing, cook for Dallas... where he'll call me up and ask if there's any Julie Hart B&E's (bacon and eggs) going on at the house! Jade's dogs occupy my spare moments.... Chihuahuas... need I say more? I watch black and white movies, I read, and may go as far to say, I have a very extensive library. I love to travel as well, which makes my job even more enjoyable. I also facilitate a stroke group at the hospital which I have been doing for two years now. I am hoping to eventually be a mouthpiece for the Heart and Stroke Association. I was a guest speaker for a forum held about three weeks ago, so hopefully that opens a further door for me. Do I slow down? Oh yes, when I look around at the table and my kids are stuffing their faces and teasing each other relentlessly... that's my world of peace!



JM: Any advice you would like to share with people who want to follow there dreams?


Julie: Believe in yourself and live your truth.


JM: Closing Thoughts?

Julie: I'd like to thank the wrestling fans for keeping an interest in me and my family and I'd like to thank you, Johnny, for asking me to be a part of your web site through this interview. 



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