Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Interview with Jack Blaze from 2011

Quick Highlights
---Owner of Legends Pro Wrestling
 --Inducted and worked with in the LPW Hall of Fame with stars such as Gangrel, Honky Tonk Man, Sean Waltmen, Steve Austin, Shane Douglas, Greg Valentine, Lex Luger and many More hR>

JM: You were a fan of pro wrestling? Who were some of your favorites growing up?

JB: Was a fan of pro wrestling since I was about 6 years first favorite ever was Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake & my all-time favorite is Ric Flair!

 JM: How did you get your start in pro wrestling?

 JB: I got my start about 10 years ago in the XWF as a co-commentator alongside Tony Summer. Both "Mr. 8x10" Michael Cruz & the promoter back then Big Dawg gave me my first break.

 JM: You currently own a fed and work for two other feds, tell us a little bit about them and your roles within the companies?

 JB: Well, LPW (Legends Pro Wrestling) was my creation after XWF folded....along with the LPW Hall of Fame I started back in 2007. I am pretty much the on & off camera Chairman in LPW & ACW both.

JM: I am from both Pittsburgh and West Virginia that are close together when it comes to wrestling, are you affiliated with the feds in Pittsburgh as well?

 JB: No not in Pittsburgh....however I have always loved & supported KSWA, I think they have a great thing going.

JM: Name Association Game

Lex Luger- my first ever Hall of Fame induction & by far the classiest & most inspirational legend I ever worked with!

 Jake Roberts- The first time in June of 2007 was a disaster cause of the demons in his life, but this past November was a class act & he retired with us that night.

 StoneCold- Retired too soon- but still a great draw!

Honky Tonky Man- I loved working with him, even after he smashed that guitar over my head.

Shane Douglas- He is actually making a comeback with me this year as my CEO & he has helped me in so many of the best of all time! Brutus Beefcake- Worked with him a few times and got a new hair style thanks to him lol...was a dream comes true to work with him!

Sid Vicious- Oh God....don't get me started on this one. He no showed me back on October 30, 2010 for his own Hall of Fame induction....long story, sad ending. There is a reason both Vince & Dixie don't want him!

Greg Valentine- I inducted him last month on 1/29/11 & he was a class act! He shared a lot of great stories about Flair, Hogan, and even Honky.

Gangrel- Inducted him in January of last year....he spit the blood in my face then gave me the Impaler DDT, but was one of the most honest & sincere guys I ever met!

JM: What are your greatest highlights in pro wrestling?

JB: Greatest Highlights?

 Wow there is so many great ones for me. Getting to travel a with my idols. One would have to be starting this now infamous Hall of Fame with Lex Luger in one of the most memorable nights of my life! Also getting to induct Diamond Dallas Page this year, and now working with Degeneration X.....just to name a few!

JM: does any of the feds have official web sites or contact info for more information?

JB: Websites under construction as we speak....huge developments in LPW this coming year!

JM: Your thoughts on the current direction of the WWE and TNA?

JB: WWE is boosting their ratings with all these awesome comebacks in a short amount of time with StoneCold, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Trish Stratus, Christian, The Rock, Triple H, & The Undertaker....that is very impressive. I believe TNA started strong, but financially I am not sure how much longer they will last with Spike TV.

 JM: If there was anything you can change about pro wrestling today, what would you change?

JB: On the pro level, I would change some of the writing....after WCW was bought, I still think Vince could of really used that as a "brand" and kept a lot of great talent employed. On the indy level, get more "properly" trained workers a good start. Keep them focused on their goals....too many egos & with even less talent.

 JM: Any interesting road/locker room stories you can share?

JB: There are sooooo many good ones I could many ribs many things I shouldn't of ever seen lol....One of my favorites was one night when the venue told us no more Hardcore Matches & don't break anything....well I remember good ol' Bishop Slade looking at me with his Mad Dog 20/20 chugging it...and Storm Trooper gathering up his Light Bulbs....and it turned out to be one of the most hardcore nights ever & I loved every minute of it! Another one for me...even though it's not really a locker room story, but I had a blast on the road last year with Raven...we got kicked out of a Bob Evans late one night LOL.

JM: Any advice for fans who want to follow their dreams?

 JB: Yes.....never let anyone or anything stands in your way on doing something that you love! Follow your dreams & goals no matter what.

 JM: Closing thoughts?

 JB: My closing thoughts are this.....I have made a lot of friends in this business....made a lot of enemies too....was engaged to my former vallet & even lost a baby to work behind the scenes & meet a lot of great talent in both WWE & once in TNA. I created a "Hall of Fame" where I have got to work with the biggest legends this business has ever produced & it keeps growing every month! Basically, even with all the bad experiences along the way, I got to live my dream for a decade now & I am very blessed...cause without this business, I would of missed out on all the great friends, relationships & memories along the way! And I don't plan on slowing down anytime soon! The best is still to come!

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