Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Interview with Hardcore Cowgirl Alexandra from 2010

Photo credit to Wishimay Photography
JM: You were inspired by the late Miss Elizabeth and Sensational Sherri of the 80's to enter wrestling. You have now been in the biz for close to 10 years and have seen tons of women come and go. Aside from Miss Elizabeth and Sherri, who else in your opinion was worth watching in wrestling?

CowGirl: Lita & Trish Stratus. They set a standard for ladies coming in, to be more physically involved in matches from ringside & then go into 1 on 1 matches against each other. They both improved over time in their careers & blazed a path that would make women wrestlers of today turn it up to notches past 11!

JM: You pretty much set your goals to everything you want to reach in your career, what goals do you plan on reaching as the new commissioner of In Your Face Wrestling?CowGirl: I want to prove that women in wrestling that are put into positions of power, have every right to it because they work hard to receive it. And so far, I have been getting nothing but great feedback from the guys in the locker room. And another goal is providing nothing but non-stop, over the top wrestling matches & amazing moments that will leave lasting impressions on the fans & keep them coming back for more.

JM: I am sure working behind the scenes and in a office, you can tell the story of the creation of how In Your Face Wrestling came about?CowGirl: IYFW came about when 2 gentelmen with experience in the wrestling business wanted to bring wrestling back to the greater Upstate NY area. They fought hard due to the rules & regulations that restrict certain athletic events taking place due to the commission in the state. So basing the company out of NY & running in Vermont was the next big step. So they used the connections they have in VT to bring about opportunities for everyone involved. 2 1/2 years later, with lots of hard work, determination & devotion to eachother's ideas, IYFW is now performing in NY & hoping to return to Vermont again soon. It was really a combined effort. And this company proved 1 very valuble point: "You can be business partners with friends you have had for a lifetime & make it work."

JM: You have been successful in running women wrestling in the state of Vermont, any interesting stories I am sure you have for the fans of the Ladies?CowGirl: Well, as the old saying goes, "What happens in the ladies locker room, really should stay in the ladies locker rooms!" But there have been some funny & thought provoking moments. I will tell you these 2: Seeing Lindsay Lynn's dream match take place when she went against Lexie Fyfe not once but twice, were very proud moments for me. And bringing in & meeting the Triple Crown Champion MSCHIF was great too. She is by far one of the coolest most laid back & talented woman I have ever had the pleasure of being around.

JM: Of course I have to include in this interview the appearance you made as a guest ring announcer portraying Pandora Brew on a Halloween theme style IYFW. (Where Northern Studd harassed you to become his valet and Maxx came out to take care of Business!)That event gained a lot of attention within the fans of the website. How was the experience being a character you pose in ads for the website compare to being it live in front of a sold out crowd for the first time?CowGirl: Well 1st off, I am very comfortable in the character so I kinda forgot after awhile that I was "in a gimmick" so to speak. But then, every now & again, I would feel the bunny ears on my head & be like "OH YEAH! I'm not The CowGirl tonight! HAHA!" But during intermission, I got the best feeling when all the younger fans wanted their picture taken with me. Now it's no secret, Pandora gets a big reaction from MALE fans of higher age levels. But this was new to me, having kids wanting to be around me. It opened doors for me & IYFW too, as a younger generation was coming out to see what we were all about. All in all, I am glad we did it & thank you again John for the cross promotion & for really encouraging me to do it!

JM: Name association Game? Maxx "The Ax" Burton: A brilliant mind in this business + a damn good husband too<3
Lindsay Lynn: She has come full circle & her return to IYFW is needed.
Demonica: My favorite opponent ever.
Ashleigh Sage: She has a smile that lights up a room.
Yvonna Leach: Wow, you have come a long way baby.
Barbie: The girl is better in the ring then some men are!
Mschif: Talented, intelligent, gracious & modest.
Lexie Fyfe: Incomparable & second to none.
JP Black: A man I am honored to call my friend.
Abyss: The most talented big man in the business right now. Someone needs to book me on a show with him, like A.S.A.P.! ;-)
Northern Studd: His cocky attitude is matched by his skill.
Gail Kim: Pound for pound, the best lady wrestler on TV today.
Miss Elizabeth: Beautiful, quiet, embracing.
Sensational Sherri: Forever & always, the Queen of ringside. (Girls, wanna be a valet/manager? WATCH SHERRI TAPES!)
Cowboy James Storm: Stylish, proactive, gifted.
James Mitchell: The best male manager since Jim Cornette. The kind of guy I would want to do a road trip with just to hear his stories.

JM: Any rumors you can clear up about the IYFW event come this April 17th?CowGirl: You'll have to keep an eye on because now we have a show scheduled for March 20th back in Ballston Spa @ the community center & that is in thanks to the huge fan support showing from our last event there. I will be appearing on the site in the coming weeks with an official address from the commishinor with updates & info about both events.

JM: Your husband Maxx is the new In Your Face Wrestling Tag Team Champion along with CJ Scott. Your thoughts on his success thus far IYFW?CowGirl: I want to say this 1st about CJ Scott: CJ Scott fought for a long time to find his place in IYFW. He showed his desire at Coronation Cup 2009 when he won the trophy that night. As for Maxx, he has proven himself time & time again for the past 11 years what he is made of. His metal is solid & his level of determination is un-matched. He had what many feel were the best matches in IYFW to date. He wrestled JP Black in his last match in VT. He took on & went toe to toe with former ECW & ROH star HC Loc. And pretty much stopped the show when he went head to head with "The Spirit of Scotland" himself James Wallace. He & CJ are the perfect match. CJ's drive & Maxx's experience= an unstoppable tag team. "The Grindhouse" took the IYFW tag team titles the night I gave them their 1st shot as a tag team. Come on, for sure that is going to be 1 of my greatest moments as commish. And hell, that was my 1st night on the job!

JM: Now you a woman of power within the IYFW, will we see a return of the women's division in the company?CowGirl: Let's just say my phone has been ringing & my fingers have been busy with e-mails. Some faces will be returning & some new faces will be appearing.

JM: Any advice for fans who want to follow there dreams?CowGirl: You can not let anyone break your confidence down. You will be questioned why you want to do it, why you want to be here & just how much you can take until you may break or not be able to take the pain or frustration any more. It's a relentless drive that brings us all to this dance. And to quote a line from 1 of my fave movies "Only the fearless can be great."

JM: Closing thoughts?CowGirl: I want to thank everyone @ Insane Plan for their support over the years. And special thanks to my wonderful fans, my fan club prez Renee (who also works here @ Insane Plan as Nay Nay) & of course you John (the man with the plan himself) for all your devotion & friendship over the years. And to all the fans of ain't seen nothing yet. HELL TO THE YES!
You can find me @ my fan club too. Joining is free & updates, new photos & press releases about show dates & my appearances are added regularly.

Alexandra Poll

Alexandra Video


Quick Highlights

--Debut: June 16, 2000--SAW Women's Champion (2x)
--Professional Model

Interviewer: John MikelsInterview Date: February 15, 2010

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